Birth plans are huge for a lot of us thinking mama's to be. I know that a majority of women probably do NOT make a birth plan, they go into the hospital and let the hospital staff call all the shots. My birth plan stipulates that they need my informed consent for EVERYTHING they do, because birth is a natural process and unless there are complications there is no need for any kind of intervention/medical.
I've already considered that I'll be seen as demanding or controlling by some of the hospital staff, and how messed up is it that I'll probably be seen negatively for making my own/my babies health choices? I think as women we need to stand up for our rights, because from hearing other women's experience too often our voices are not heard and they don't even consult us before doing things to us or our babies. Nurses don't ask permission to TAKE a healthy baby for "routine" procedures, to formula feed, and will often do it behind the back of a breastfeeding mother, etc... not with my baby!
My goal with my birth plan isn't to alienate the staff, and I do know that something may come up or when I'm giving birth I may deviate... and that is okay as long as it is medically NECESSARY or my choice, what is NOT okay is medical staff taking away my right to chose for myself and my baby!
My Birthplan
My goal is to deliver my baby as safely and naturally as possible without medical intervention, should any intervention be recommended or necessary you need my INFORMED consent prior to the intervention. Please do NOT give me or my baby ANYTHING or do any procedures without prior consent from myself or my husband if I'm unconscious. Thank you all for your support and understanding!
Environment and Pain Relief
- Upon arrival at the hospital, I prefer to have my spouse with me at all times.
Please essential staff only. Absolutely no residents or students attending my birth, and no visitors unless I give my consent. Keep door closed when possible for privacy.
I prefer to wear my own clothing during labor and delivery.
Only offer pain medications if I request them, absolutely NO epidural til 5 cm.
I would like the freedom to move around while laboring to include use of shower, birthing ball, etc.
-If an IV is necessary I would prefer a heparin or saline lock to allow
For Pain Relief I would like to try natural methods
-focused breathing, hot/cold packs, massage, birthing ball, water (shower and
hydration), aromatherapy, relaxation (to include music and dim lights)
Labor & Delivery
I prefer to have no episiotomy and risk tearing.
Please, tell me to BEGIN pushing but do not coach me past letting me know its time to start.
As long as the baby is healthy I would like her placed IMMEDIATELY on my chest to start breastfeeding.
I would prefer to breastfeed to stimulate "birthing" the placenta before a uterine "massage"
Do NOT clamp or cut the cord until it stops pulsating
-Please allow my husband to do this IF he wishes
Newborn Care and Procedures
I would like all newborn procedures performed in our presence
ALL medical procedures, even "routine" ones such as shots, eye ointment, vitamin K shot, MUST be approved by the mother!
If baby is healthy delay ANY newborn procedures til an hour after birth to give baby and mom time to bond and begin breastfeeding
Postpartum/Hospital Stay
The baby will be exclusively breastfed and I would like to use any resources and lactation consultants that are available.
- Absolutely NO formula or pacifiers!
We request full rooming in
We would appreciate privacy during the hospital stay, with guests being approved before entering and limiting the time they visit.
We would like to stay as long as insurance will cover to allow time for the mother to recover.
I am still doing research so I'll be editing the newborn care and procedures section in the future but I wanted to share my personal plan to help other ladies write theirs, and to encourage ladies to do research and know what to expect and to make informed decisions for themselves.