Sunday, August 17, 2014

Review: Annie's Chocolate Bunny Grahams


So some things are exactly as they seem. The title says it all, I will once again be doing a review and this time its of a food item. I have been trying for some time now to lead a greener and healthier life... I think it started almost two years ago now when I got pregnant for the first time. Although we still haven't managed to have a baby since I still look at the options that are available for healthier choices for babies... crazy I know!

When I visited my sister, who has two children, I was introduced to Annie's bunny grahams. I have tried Annie's macaroni and wasn't impressed, but the girls seemed to love the grahams and they were made with organic wheat so I thought I would give them a try.

I bought these a week ago, and they are great for all ages! One serving is 31 cookies and only 130 calories! Are you trying to diet but love chocolate? These are your answer! They have relatively low sugar and 9g and provide 20% of your daily calcium. I got mine on sale for $2.50 for a box which contains about 220 cookies in it.

I highly recommend this as a snack food. Its more filling than most junky snacks and a whole lot less calories. This is your I want something sweet or want to give my kids a treat but don't want diabetes food!

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