Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kroger Valentines Mailers


I just got my first Kroger mailer for the first time in over two years, since we moved to our house. When I moved I updated my address online with Kroger, but their mailer system is different then their rewards system apparently so I called. It's been months since I called to ask, since I did internet research and confirmed they were still sending out mailers to their "gold" status customers aka frequent shoppers.

If you're signed up with Kroger, have been at the same address since you got your Kroger card, and have never received a mailer you're probably just not shopping there enough to qualify for this perk. When I called I was told it was based on checkouts not amount spent. I'm making a purchase in Kroger at least once a week just about EVERY week.

One thing I love about Kroger is their rewards program is personalized for each customer. If you go online to the savings center they have a section where it shows sale items for you, it is based on things you have bought in the past and includes both advertised and unadvertised sales. Their mailers are also personalized, and include coupons for FREE stuff!

This mailer was not as good as some that I've gotten in the past, like ones including a coupon for $5 off $15 in the produce section... that one is ALWAYS a winner with me, but free stuff so I can't complain.

The coupons in this mailer included free salad dressing, Cheerios, Thomas english muffins, and Kroger frozen vegetables (non steamable). I also got two coupons for $ off cheese, and $1 off bakery goods both things I frequently buy.

There were also coupons in the mailer for things I don't buy, probably due to my mom also using my card when she shops at Kroger. My mom uses my card rather than her own to rack up more points for a gas discount, she usually uses the discount before us.

Did you get a Kroger Mailer this month?

If your signed up to get emails from Kroger I've heard some people get personalized coupons like these ones as an email that they can add to their card (they aren't listed under loadable coupons, you have to click the email).

Happy Shopping!

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